National Park - Lake Mashu, Mt Iou, Lake Kussharo & Bihoro Pass
We visited the following places
via the "Panoramic
Course" by Akan Sightseeing Bus. The course covers the above
stopping at each location for 15 minutes. Throughout the bus trip, you
will enjoy the scenic views of Eastern Hokkaido.
Lake Mashu 摩周湖:
The mysterious Lake Mashu, often called "Misty Lake Mashu" is
19.8km in circumference. Mysterious as it is, the touched beauty of Lake
Mashu is protected by the steep slopes on its coastline. Water neither flows in nor out from the lake.
Lake Mashu 摩周湖:
The view is taken from Lake Mashu's Obsevatory Deck No. 1. The awesome
feeling observing the beauty of the lake could not be expressed in words.
Lake Mashu 摩周湖:
Another view of the frozen lake.
Mt Iou 硫黃山:
The active volcano is 574m above sea level which erupted 600 years ago.
Mt Iou 硫黃山:
Sulfurous caldrons seen everywhere on Mt Iou.
Sunayu along Lake Kussharo
In the summer, this is a popular spot for outdoor bathing on the shore
where people make holes on the shore as bathtubs.
Lake Kussharo 屈斜路湖:
Flocks of ducks waiting for visitor's bread crumbs.
Bihoro Pass 美幌峠:
The 525m observatory overlooks Lake Kussharo. On a clear day, Lake Mashu
can also be seen.
View from the top of Bihoro Pass:
Lake Kussharo, with Nagajima (means middle island in Japanese) in the
centre. The hugh crater lake is 56km in circumference.